Frank Donald Lenton

Died 110 years ago today
View Frank Donald on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website
Service number:
Honourable Artillery Company
Date of birth:
Date of death:
26 March 1915
Age at Death:
LENTON Frank Donald

Known information

Private Frank Donald Lenton was a pupil at Oakham School from 1906, the son of John Holdsworth Lenton and his wife Kate of Bank House, Horncastle in Lincolnshire. He was an articled clerk in Lincoln before joining up. Frank was wounded at Bailleul on 24 March 1915 and died two days later aged 22. He is buried at Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extensioin, grave J.48, and is remembered in Oakham School Chapel.

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  • Oakham School Chapel
  • Oakham School Memorial 4
  • Bailleul Communal Cemetery and Extension 1
  • F D Lenton 3
  • F D Lenton 1
  • F D Lenton 2

User contributions

Born 1892, son of John and Kate Lenton of Bank House, Horncastle in Lincolnshire.Enlisted in the Honorable Artillery Company on 8th September 1914.Grave photo attached.
By BN on Tuesday 17th June '14 at 4:45pm

Rutland and The Battle of the Somme

More than 90 Rutland soldiers died in the Battle of the Somme which lasted from 1 July 1916 until the middle of November. Today they lie in cemeteries across the old battlefield in northern France or are remembered among the 72,000 names on the Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme. By using our interactive map, you can find out what happened to them.

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