George Starsmore

Died 108 years ago today
View George on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website
Service number:
Essex Regiment
Date of birth:
14 July 1880
Date of death:
26 March 1917
Age at Death:

Known information

George Starsmore was born at Baston, Lincolnshire on 14 July 1880, the son of William and Elizabeth Starsmore. The family moved to Great Casterton and then to Tickencote. George worked as a baker and confectioner. Enlisting on 2 July 1915 into the Essex Regiment, he went to Egypt on 9 October the same year, and was killed in action fighting against the Turks in Palestine on 26 March 1917. He was 37 years old and is buried in Gaza War Cemetery, grave X.C.14, and is remembered in the church at Tickencote. After the war his widow Rose was recorded as living at 31, Rutland Road, Bedford.

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  • Tickencote Church
  • Tickencote Memorial
  • Gaza War Cemetery 1
  • Gaza War Cemetery 2
  • G Starsmore 3
  • G Starsmore 1
  • G Starsmore 2

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Rutland and The Battle of the Somme

More than 90 Rutland soldiers died in the Battle of the Somme which lasted from 1 July 1916 until the middle of November. Today they lie in cemeteries across the old battlefield in northern France or are remembered among the 72,000 names on the Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme. By using our interactive map, you can find out what happened to them.

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