HALLIDAY Alfred Bernard

Known information

Alfred Bernard Halliday was born on 29 September 1895, the son of J Halliday and his wife of 77, Stamford End in Exton. He was a farm labourer and enlisted with the 5th Battalion Leicestershire Regiment on 27 June 1915. He fought at Loos, and was killed on 13 October the same year, as the British tried unsuccessfully to capture a German strongpoint called the Hohenzollern Redoubt. His body was never recovered

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Rutland and The Battle of the Somme

More than 90 Rutland soldiers died in the Battle of the Somme which lasted from 1 July 1916 until the middle of November. Today they lie in cemeteries across the old battlefield in northern France or are remembered among the 72,000 names on the Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme. By using our interactive map, you can find out what happened to them.

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