
Four soldiers, including three brothers, spent part of their early lives in Thistleton but the villlage does not have a war memorial and none of them are remembered here. Rupert Archer Thomson is remembered only on the Vimy Memorial. Edgar Walker, who was born in the villlage, is buried at Boulogne Eastern Cemetery. His elder brother William Walker is remembered on the Loos Memorial. But there is some doubt about what happened to their younger brother Herbert Walker. All three, however, are remembered at Duddington where the family was living when the First World War broke out.

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Rutland and The Battle of the Somme

More than 90 Rutland soldiers died in the Battle of the Somme which lasted from 1 July 1916 until the middle of November. Today they lie in cemeteries across the old battlefield in northern France or are remembered among the 72,000 names on the Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme. By using our interactive map, you can find out what happened to them.

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